Skin cancer

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Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Sometimes cells in the skin undergo changes that create spots, bumps, and moles that eventually become skin cancer. Many of these changes to the skin are often left ignored and lead to more serious issues down the line if left untreated or undiagnosed.

Because skin cancer is the most common of all cancers and accounts for millions of cases each year, early detection is vital for successful treatment. If you notice changes in your skin, you can give yourself a head start by scheduling a check-up with Schlessinger MD.

Dr. Joel Schlessinger and Dr. Daniel Schlessinger, board-certified dermatologists at Schlessinger MD in Omaha, Nebraska, can assess your concerns about suspicious spots and moles and provide accurate diagnosis and treatment for skin cancer. They have the medical background to look at all aspects of this condition and the surgical training to perform a specialized form of treatment called Moh’s micrographic surgery for cancer removal.

Additionally, Dr. Joel Schlessinger has been actively involved in clinical research on skin cancer and its causes. Dr. Joel Schlessinger has done over 20 clinical trials on treatments for skin cancer or pre-skin cancer and has been active in this field for over 25 years.

Patient reviews


I have been a patient of Dr Schlessinger’s for right around 20 years. I’m a fair-skinned former sun worshiper and am paying the price for my years in the sun now. I have found Dr. Schlessinger and his entire staff to be knowledgeable, efficient, friendly and thorough. I have had Mohs surgery nine times now and the resultant scars are barely noticeable. Dr. Schlessinger does an excellent job.

– Jo K.

Before & afters

These are unretouched photos of Dr. Schlessinger’s own patients

Q&A with Dr. Schlessinger

Your commonly asked questions answered.

Skin cancer tumors on the skin look like moles in various shapes and sizes and colors. Most people don’t know how to distinguish the harmful-looking lesions from those that are not harmful.

  • If you see any change on your skin, whether it’s a new mole or colorless growth or an itchy sore that doesn’t seem to heal, make an appointment to have Dr. Schlessinger or one of his associates evaluate it.
  • A spot that bleeds or changes or becomes tender or painful should be assessed.
  • Any new mole or old mole that grows larger than the size of a pencil eraser, or has irregular borders, various dark colors, and jagged borders might become serious.

Luckily, most moles and spots turn out to be harmless, but it’s important to receive a proper diagnosis from a trained dermatologist if there is a concerning area.

Basal cell carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma often appears on the face or other parts of the head and neck but can be anywhere on the body. These tumors look like small, fleshy bumps. Cells from these tumors can spread below the skin and cause damage. They are easily removed, especially when found early. The earlier they are found, the less the scarring will be.

Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma may look like red or scaly patches or bumps. Most often, dermatologists see these on the outer edge of the ear and on the face, lips, and mouth. These areas can grow larger and spread to other parts of the body. Again, like basal cell carcinoma, when caught early and removed, these areas can be completely cured and usually don’t spread in the body.

Malignant melanoma

The third form of common skin cancer is the most serious. Malignant melanoma may appear suddenly or alongside another mole. Watch for darker, uneven areas anywhere – even on areas of the skin that don’t get exposed to the sun. Since melanoma can often spread in the body, it is imperative to come in quickly if it is suspected.

There are a variety of factors that can potentially cause skin cancer. Someone with pale skin who sunburns easily is at higher risk than someone with more pigment in their skin. Additionally, anyone who has had severe sunburns in the past or a family history of skin cancer may also be at more risk. It’s important that you take the necessary precautions to keep your skin protected. This means taking care of it by applying sunscreen, avoiding unnecessary sun and scheduling regular appointments with Drs. Joel or Daniel Schlessinger or one of their associates.

Drs. Joel or Daniel Schlessinger remove the suspicious area and send it to a lab for analysis. If the skin removed is assessed to be a form of skin cancer, they will make sure they have removed the problem entirely by shaving down the skin in the area to completely remove the cancerous cells, scraping and burning the area (known as electrodessication and curettage) or excising the cancer.

In some cases, Drs. Joel and Daniel Schlessinger will employ Mohs Micrographic Surgery, a specialized form of treatment that Dr. Joel Schlessinger was trained in and has performed over 3000 surgeries of in his career. This skin cancer treatment allows a 96% to 98% rate of cure. Drs. Joel and Daniel Schlessinger are two of a select group of dermatologists in the U.S. performing Mohs skin cancer surgery and a member of the American Society for Mohs Surgery. This surgery is especially effective in treating basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas.

You will be treated at a state-of-the-art, state-certified, surgery center within our clinic at Schlessinger MD in Omaha, Nebraska. During the procedure thin layers of skin are intricately removed around the lesion and examined under a microscope. Once it is determined that the cancer is gone, the wound is closed with stitches.

Because Drs. Joel and Daniel Schlessinger are highly skilled in performing the procedure patients can expect the best scar possible. If areas need specialized repair, our dermatologists will refer you to a facial plastic or oculoplastic surgeon for repair.

“I enjoy the challenge of not only curing skin cancer, but leaving the patient with the best scar possible. As a board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon, I always want to leave the patient as good or better than they were when they came in with skin cancer.”

Skin cancer blogs

Before and after of male mole removal on forehead

What to expect at your Schlessinger MD mole removal appointment

A suspicious mole can bring up many questions and concerns. With decades of experience and a patient-focused approach, Schlessinger MD provides patients with a comfortable and informative experience during a mole removal to put your mind at ease. Our team’s extensive medical expertise helps guide you through the mole removal process and determine a roadmap…

close up of melanoma

Answering the top questions about melanoma skin cancer

At Schlessinger MD, nothing is more important than skin health, and that includes helping our patients prevent and successfully treat skin cancer. While there are various types of cancerous moles, melanoma remains the deadliest and is being diagnosed at younger ages than ever before. However, the good news is with advancements in treatment, melanoma deaths declined rapidly…

Dr. Schlessinger doing a skin check on a female patient

Skin Cancer Check: What age to start and how often to get moles checked?

What you need to know about skin cancer Skin cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer in the United States, with non-melanoma cancers, including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, being the most common. Melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer is on track for 100,640 new melanomas to be diagnosed in 2024 alone. No…

Contact us to learn more about our dermatology services.

At Schlessinger MD our skin experts specialize in various treatments because we believe that everyone can have healthy skin. Joel Schlessinger, MD is a highly skilled and experienced board-certified dermatologist, recognized as the Best Dermatologist and Cosmetic Surgeon in Omaha since 2000. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best results and experience possible. Contact Schlessinger MD today or book your acne appointment online now using our booking tool.