Leg vein treatment
Conveniently located to serve Omaha, NE

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Book your leg vein consultation today
Spider veins and varicose veins are unsightly veins that appear on the surface of the skin, predominately on the legs. They’re a common cosmetic issue that can cause a great deal of embarrassment and insecurity, especially during the summer months. If visible veins are causing you to feel uncomfortable showing off your legs, sclerotherapy may be an excellent option for you.
Generally, leg veins take two common forms; spider veins which are tiny, thin, twisting lines or varicose veins which are larger, swollen, and sometimes painful, veins that are more difficult to treat.
Reduce unsightly leg veins with effective laser or sclerotherapy treatments.
Dr. Joel Schlessinger has been treating leg veins for more than 25 years and has experience with numerous lasers and light (IPL) devices for these treatments. Additionally, Drs. Joel and Daniel Schlessinger are skilled at sclerotherapy, a cosmetic treatment designed to improve the appearance of your legs by diminishing or completely reversing unsightly spider veins. During the procedure, our dermatologists will inject the legs with a sclerosant solution that will cause the veins to collapse and be removed over a period of a month or so.
With the help of these treatments, you won’t have to deal with the inconvenience and discomfort that comes with having veins that are overly prominent.
Professional care you can count on
Dr. Joel Schlessinger is a highly-skilled, board-certified dermatologist in Omaha Nebraska. He was trained as a pediatrician prior to being a dermatologist and therefore has the technical skills to get access to small blood vessels (the same technique used for placing IVs into premature infants). His results are often superior to others because of these skills. Our clinic also uses various lasers and other treatments to accomplish even better results than with sclerotherapy alone.
Schedule your consultation
If you would like to get effective treatment for your prominent leg veins, you will first need to schedule a consultation with Drs. Joel or Daniel Schlessinger. The doctors will examine these veins to determine the extent of the problem and will ask any relevant questions about your health and medical history.
Ready to book your consultation? The details of treatment will be explained during the consultation with our knowledgeable nursing staff and Drs. Joel or Daniel Schlessinger, whose primary goal is to ensure all questions are answered and that your expectations align with the results he can achieve. During this time, any concerns that you might have about spider veins treatments are addressed. Topics such as the cost of leg vein treatments, a personalized treatment plan, post treatment instructions and what to expect post treatment will be discussed, as well.
Patient reviews
I love coming into town here in Omaha to visit my daughter, Lauren. She introduced me to Dr. Schlessinger. He as well as all the employees are so friendly and compassionate. I get to come see everyone when I’m in town because they are now my skin specialist & I only trust them. I had my varicose veins in my legs fixed this time. They were very gentle but as always got the job done. They look so good now. I’m sorry it took me so long to have them done. Thanks so much. See you next visit.
Before & afters
These are unretouched photos of Dr. Schlessinger’s own patients
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