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Earn unlimited treatment cycles with our new CoolSculpting series


What is CoolSculpting®?

The CoolSculpting® procedure is the only non-invasive procedure that uses advanced cooling technology to gently and effectively target and eliminate fat in specific areas of the body. The procedure involves no incisions and no anesthesia and reduces the fat layer without harming the skin or other tissues.

New! Now offering CoolSculpting® Elite!

Dr. Joel Schlessinger is the first cosmetic surgeon in the Midwest to offer CoolSculpting® Elite. The CoolSculpting® Elite system allows for faster treatment times, down from one hour to only 35 minutes. It also provides greater comfort levels with 45 percent less discomfort than original CoolSculpting. Best of all, the new treatment applicators feature larger cooling area for the ability to treat 10 percent more tissue at a deeper level, allowing for greater efficacy.

With CoolSculpting® Elite, providers can perform DualSculpting, where two applicators are used simultaneously to treat two separate areas of the body. This greatly improves the procedure’s efficiency.

CoolSculpting® Elite’s Curve, Flat, and Surface applicators are designed to conform to the body’s natural contours. Its new C-shaped cup applicator offers improved suction to keep the targeted region in place. With CoolSculpting® Elite, the likelihood of side effects is also decreased.

How much does CoolSculpting® cost?

Treat to complete: Receive unlimited cycles to the areas you select, within a 150 day window. 

Body Sculpting by Area

Chin only | $2400
1 Area (not chin) | $3,600
2 Areas | $5,600
3 Areas | $6,400

*earn up to 1,500 Alle reward points per year .

Where can CoolSculpting® Elite treat?

CoolSculpting® Elite is FDA-approved to treated nine trouble areas of the body:

  • Abdomen
  • Below the chin (submental region)
  • Upper arms
  • Thighs
  • Bra line
  • Back
  • Underneath the buttocks (banana rolls)
  • Below the jawline (submandibular region)
  • Flanks

Ideal candidates

CoolSculpting® and CoolSculpting® Elite are popular procedures and are suitable for most patients. If you’re interested in freezing fat away and avoiding invasive surgical procedures, these body-sculpting treatments are likely ideal for you.

CoolSculpting® Elite is not a weight-loss procedure; instead of shrinking fat cells like dieting and exercise do, it removes them from the body completely. Because of this, the best candidates for CoolSculpting® Elite are patients who are interested in targeted fat reduction rather than weight loss.

Patients must be at or near their target weight and BMI before undergoing CoolSculpting® Elite. Weight fluctuations after CoolSculpting® can negatively affect results.

Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding may not be good candidates for this treatment option. Additionally, patients who have cold agglutinin disease, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, or cryoglobulinemia must discuss these conditions during their consultation.

Patient reviews


I had my first Cool Sculpting session done by Dr Schlessinger in May of 2012. I am a slender 50ish woman and had a muffin top so the procedure focused on my front torso. The procedure was uncomfortable, but bearable. I was a little sore and tender for about four weeks afterwards. My results were good and noticeable. I had a second session, for the same area, September 2012. This took care of what was remaining. I am VERY pleased with the results and my figure looks as it did 30 years ago.

Green Lady

Before & afters

These are unretouched photos of Dr. Schlessinger’s own patients

Q&A with Dr. Schlessinger

Your commonly asked questions answered.

Generally, the abdomen and flanks are the best areas to treat with CoolSculpting®, but other areas such as the arms, inner thighs and outer thighs can also be treated in many people. Additionally, we also have the CoolMini™ applicator, which is designed to treat smaller areas like the chin. In most people, the areas go back with minimal or no laxity of the skin, but if you have loose skin to begin with, there will likely be loose skin after the procedure. Cellulite may also be more obvious after the procedure if you have it initially, but we have other treatments to improve this concern

During the procedure, a non-invasive applicator is applied to the skin surface to deliver precisely controlled cooling to target and eliminate fat cells in specific areas of the body. As they are exposed to cooling, the fat cells begin a process of natural cell removal. The fat cells in the treated area are gradually eliminated through the body’s normal metabolic processes, similar to how fat from food is eliminated. Procedures that use laser, sonic waves, and even surgery to remove fat can actually destroy other tissue in the process by burning, shattering, or extracting non-fat cells. This requires downtime for your body to heal. Fortunately, CoolSculpting® doesn’t burn, shatter, or extract any cells. Developed by Harvard scientists, the FDA-cleared, patented procedure uses a targeted cooling process that kills the fat cells underneath the skin, literally freezing them to the point of elimination. Only fat cells are frozen. Your healthy skin cells remain, well, healthy. No knives. Once crystalized, the fat cells die and are naturally eliminated from your body. After several treatment cycles over a period of several months, you’ll typically see a visible reduction of fat. It takes a few months to fully realize the effects, mainly because it takes that long for your body to naturally dispose of the fat cells and remodel the remaining fat.

Results will be seen over about four months. The areas treated will gradually decrease in size to your eventual shape. If other treatments are desired, they can be done after the initial treatment package. Package rates are available.

Generally, there is a suctioning sensation and there may be tingling during or after the procedure. Most of our patients feel nothing. You can likely go back to work the same day of the procedure.

There are certain people who will do better with one or the other procedure and it all depends on where the fat is, how much is there and what your level of availability is. At the time of your free consultation with Drs. Joel or Daniel Schlessinger, he will examine you and determine which is the best procedure for you. Having the ability to offer both of these procedures allows more options and a potentially better outcome than clinics who do one or the other. CoolSculpting® is a great procedure for someone who simply doesn’t have the time to be out of work for even a day. It can be done in an hour or so and there is NO recovery time at all. This means you can literally be back at your desk a few hours after you arrive at our facility. On the other hand, CoolSculpting® may not result in as much fat being removed as with liposuction and may require more procedures to reach the same point as with tumescent liposuction/SmartLipo.

It all depends on the area and the amount of procedures necessary. CoolSculpting® generally removes about 25% to 30% of the fat in an area, while tumescent liposuction with SmartLipo removes about 60-75% of the fat. This means that two CoolSculpting® procedures will result in somewhat less fat removal than with tumescent liposuction in most individuals. Pricewise, it may be about the same cost or slightly more for CoolSculpting® Elite depending on the areas treated, but the benefit is in downtime, which is essentially negligible with CoolSculpting® Elite! Drs. Joel or Daniel Schlessinger will determine which procedure is best for you at the time of your free consultation.

“CoolSculpting® has changed the landscape of fat removal significantly. It is finally possible to have a truly non-invasive fat removal treatment, all done in the comfort of the office setting.”

CoolSculpting® blogs

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Introducing the new CoolSculpting® ELITE

CoolSculpting® has long been the treatment of choice for doctors when it comes to nonsurgical fat reduction. Starting with the treatment of stubborn fat on the flanks in 2010, the CoolSculpting® team has continued to innovate, which is where CoolSculpting® ELITE comes in. First introduced in 2021, CoolSculpting® ELITE is their most advanced technology, and…

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